Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Energy Efficient Mortgage's

What is an Energy Efficient Mortgage?
“Energy Efficient Mortgages,” also known as EEMs, make it easier for borrowers to qualify for loans to purchase homes with specific energy-efficiency improvements.
EEMs give borrowers the opportunity to finance cost-effective, energy-saving measures as part of a single mortgage and stretch debt-to-income qualifying ratios on loans thereby allowing borrowers to qualify for a larger loan amount and a better, more energy-efficient home.
To get an EEM a borrower typically has to have a home energy rater conduct a home energy rating before financing is approved. This rating verifies for the lender that the home is energy-efficient.
EEMs are normally used to purchase a new home. EEMs are sometimes confused with Energy Improvement Mortgages (EIMs), which are used for existing homes and allow borrowers to include the cost of energy-efficiency improvements in the mortgage without increasing the down payment.
EEMs (and EIMs) are sponsored by federally insured mortgage programs (FHA and VA) and the conventional secondary mortgage market (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac). Lenders can offer conventional EEMs, FHA EEMs, or VA EEMs.

I think that this is something that we should examine for affordable housing in Chapel Hill. What Local Lenders make this type of loan? Can we bring developers and banks together to create oppertunities like this for new town construction so that these loans will have a market?

General Logistics

This is the area that we can comment in if you have questions not pertaining to a topic. Yonni's comment about the Pacific Standard Time is a great example of what this topic is for. Anything that you have questions about should be placed here. If you have any ideas to post Please create a new topic.

Blogging Instructions

Sustainability Committee here is our Blog; I hope that this will help us with our work!

"Rules of the Road"
  1. Remember this is public so blog responsibly.
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